I'm back. Bet you didn't even know I was gone, did you? Never
thems the breaks for being a cyber-chick. Anyway, I have
limited time
(sounds like I'm going to expire or self-combust) so I will get
to the topic for today - "Father and Son".
Many of you may know of these sketches that Corkies do, but for
who don't, it may be a tad visual. What a fantastic medium I
chosen for visuality! Anyway, "Father and Son" is a series of
played by two of the three (they swap round) and the two
characters are
- you may have guessed it - Father and son.
Theme: (it's complicated, so keep up!)
Fun, living with father and son,
living with father and son,
father and son
living with father and son.........
Phil: Hi Dad
Sean: Hi son.
Phil: Hey, Dad?
Sean: Yes, son?
PhilSean: Well, the sky is blue because of the breath of the birds
in the
morning. The birds sing and their breath colours the sky and
then as
the day goes of their breath disappears and the sky goes dark
Phil: The birds are loud today. Hey Dad?
Sean: Yes, son?
Phil: Then where does the sun go at night?
Sean: Well, the sun goes over to the other side of the world
Santa and his elves polish it with their tiny chisels and send
it back
here for us to enjoy.
Phil: Hey, Dad?
Sean: Yes, son?
Phil: Dad, how come there are red people and white people and
people and black people?
Sean: Well, in the beginning everyone in the world was a
colour and then there was a horrible flood. And only those four
of people were very strong swimmers so they swam to safety! And
why there's those four colours of people in the world.
Phil: Oh, that's pretty cool. Hey Dad?
Sean: Yes son?
Phil: Dad?
Sean: Yes, son?
Phil: Dad, Dad, where do babies come from?
Sean: Hahahahhaha, well, a man and a woman..
Phil: Yeah.........
Sean: They go to bed together.....
Phil: Yeah......
Sean: And they fall asleep. Then they both have the same dream
about a
lovely little baby and nine months later that dream comes true.
Phil: Is that true?
Sean: Oh, I wouldn't lie to you son.
Phil: You sure know a lot, Dad.
Sean: Haha, it's my job, son.
Phil: Hey Dad?
Sean: Yes, son?
Phil: Dad, do ya ever think they're gonna let you out of here?
Sean: Oh, I hope not, son.
Phil: Why?
Sean: Because I'm completely insane.
Phil: So you don't think you'll ever ever ever get out of here?
Sean: Oh, I don't think so, but it's not so bad. You meet a
lot of
interesting people in here, in fact there is a man over there
who can
speak to Rene de Carte through his nipples.
Phil: Oh, hello Charlie!
Sean: Bonjour.
Phil: Hey Dad?
Sean: Yes son?
Phil: Can we go fishing again?
Sean: Oh sure, just don't cast towards the receptionist, she
I think that I will go mad if I have to write "Hey Dad, yes
son?' one
more time. Anyway, that was it. There are others that I will
bring to
you in the coming weeks. I hope you enjoy. Until then,
Bye bye now,