Also, Mark has requested (and who am I to deny such a loyal fan?), that I put this up. The Malt Cross Hall needs renovation and preservation. Please visit here for more info:
Here's the full blurb from the publicity leaflet...
Saturday 31st October
PHIL NICHOL - member of Canadian comedy trio Corky & the Juice Pigs provides
a stream of inspired lunacy... "a rollercoaster ride, full of violent,
unexpected twists and delivered at breakneck pace" - The Stage. Foreign
Bloke, wants friends overhere, will do
anything to make you laugh. Mad-cap, energetic baffoonery.
Support act is Bennett Arron, the world's only Jewish/Welsh comedian[probably...]
Show is at the Mad Dog Comedy club, The Malt Cross Music Hall, St. James
Street, Nottingham
Doors open at 7pm, show starts 8:30. Entrance 5 pounds [4 pounds for concessions]
On the Sean Cullen front, yes he's over here in Britain at the moment. Been
seen twice so far in a late night BBC show called Comedy Nation,a show of
short sketches from comedy types of various flavours... Also seen last night
[Friday 2 Oct] in "Never Mind the Buzzcocks", a v. popular music quiz with a
strong and raucous comedy slant. I get the feeling he's putting his face
about to raise his profile over here...hope he does some live stuff I can get to!